How can you save 10 dollars a month in order to commit to give 10 dollars a month to give a hope and a future the people of La Moskitia Honduras?
We need 200 people to COMMIT to donate 10 dollar a month to run Root Ministries for this next year.
Last year I lived month to month by faith and I was in awe as I watched the Lord provide exactly what we need when we needed it. This year as we grow and move forward we plan to build a house.These commitments are VERY important because we will not begin construction on the house until 80% of these commitments are met.
I am ready to have my home and open our arms to new kids who need a family. I am ready to build a kitchen for the feeding program so the kids have a table to eat lunch at. I am ready to build a fence and plant a huge garden that will provide fruit, vegetables, and eggs to the families of the kids in the feeding program.
To COMMIT you can set up your recurring monthly donation of 10 dollars at http://100xdevelopment.com/individuals.php (make sure to note it is for Root Ministries)
or you can make a one time donation of 120 dollars and mail to 7612 Forrest Edge Lane Montgomery, AL. 36117.
or you can make a one time donation of 120 dollars and mail to 7612 Forrest Edge Lane Montgomery, AL. 36117.
If you have questions email me at Morganlhayden@gmail.com
People please let's get this house built. It doesn't take much to come up with $10.00 a month and for 12 months. You will be blessed for doing so. I am a believer that you cannot out give God. I ask you to pray about it and do what God leads you to do in this situation.